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Gaming Music Player (GMP)

Current Version :

Welcome to Gaming Music Player (GMP)

a music player optimized for gaming with the smallest performance impact and the best look to suit your needs

Download :

Installer (exe) :

Virus Total (has 1 false positive) :

Features :

  1. can play any song in any format (you need to make sure you have the decoder Media Player Codec Pack)
  2. can play the audio of any video file
  3. fully working playlist system that you will surely love !
  4. fully wokring hotkey system that works even in-game (which makes this special than other players)
  5. fully working auto updater

Up Coming Features :

Screen Shots :

GMP ScreenShots

Dependencies :

  1. MahApps.Metro
  2. NHotkey
  3. Newtonsoft.Json
  4. gong-wpf-dragdrop
  5. VideoLibrary